Planners & Notepads – New to PaperChicCo

As you may know, I am slowly building my shop up with different printable planners and notepads. I’m going to try and release one new notepad a month but I will continue to design instant downloadable planners throughout the month. Here’s a round up of the newest printables and notepads.

2 - PINK “This Week” Landscape Planner – Blue/Pink/CreamPIN IT!

Simple plannerChores Landscape Planner – SimplePIN IT!

1 - Purple Shop ImageDaily Planner – Purple/PinkPIN IT!

A5 monthly blog stat tracker 003A5 Monthly Blog Stat Tracker – PurplePIN IT!

kdnfsd 003Printable & Notepad –Detailed Blog Post Notepad – CreamPIN IT!.

Blog Post Notepad - PaperChicCoPrintable & Notepad – Landscape Blog Post notepad – Cream & Pink WatercolourPIN IT!

I hope you like the latest additions, make sure you check my store regularly for any new releases. PaperChicCo now has it’s very own Twitter page too – PaperChicCo so make sure to give it a follow to hear about new products and to grab a coupon code or two! I would love to hear your feedback and also, let me know which planner you would like to see turned into a notepad next!

Thank you again for supporting my little business adventure, it’s so fun and I’m enjoying it so much!

